Full of Surprises

The birdhouse is a new edition this year.  My husband helped anchor it in early Spring and I have been patiently waiting for a bird to make it into a home.  Finally, this past week while out in the garden, I noticed a twig sticking out of the entrance. 

Here is the inside of the birdhouse.  Looks like I have a visitor.  I am so excited!  I have noticed a blue jay this week in the backyard.  I am not a bird aficionado, so I have no idea if blue jays would take to this type of home.  Stay tuned....


 I have a new woodland path in my garden. The only plants that have been added thus far are three Ligularia 'The Rocket' plants.  I have wanted 'The Rocket' for many years.  I have seen them in magazines and on garden shows and they look amazing with their huge yellow flowering stalks dancing high above their leaves.  Naturally, this was the first plant that I purchased when I finally had a bit of deep shade to garden in. We were recently gone for a weekend.  There was 5 1/2 inches of rain while we were away.  Upon return, I took a walk down the woodland path and could see the deep canals that the rain had made through the woods.  What I didn't see was any sign of my Ligularia plants.  Two were completely missing!  I don't mean gnawed down to the ground by some irritating fuzzy creature.  I mean completely gone.  You can see in the picture to the left that there is clearly a hole in front of the stone head.  That's where my Ligularia used to be.  Another one further down the path was also totally gone. Now, deer have pulled my plants out of the ground before, but they have always been kind enough to leave the plant or at least part of the plant (with rootball in tact) nearby.  Not this time...I looked all over for the Ligularia with no luck. 


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